Monday, January 14, 2008

Here we go again . . .

So the past few weeks have been an unimaginable blur of reform and change. New classes, new weather, some newly acquired friends, and a new start (for what would the new year be without a new start?). Classes are good this quarter, really thought provoking, although they require a much higher workload of reading.

So, to be more specific, yesterday night kicked ass. I made a quick and sudden decision to head home (actually DeKalb) on Sunday with Margie, Becky, and Holly to go see Sundowner at the House Cafe. What a good decision. Captain and Slurpees, Chris McCaughan and Pitchers, and Friends and Music. Although attending the show required a car ride back to DePaul today at 6am, it ended up being well worth the sleep deprivation.

Ok, so these pictures are just pictures randomly taken this year so far.



Anna said...

YAY! You're back! LOVE the mailbox shot! Have a great week Kyle!

Casey said...

I'm not sure why you didn't know... I think you're the one who told me to make one in the first place. I've been experimenting with the different editing tools on my mac and they're actually really cool. I'll never get hard core photography like you though, I'm not creative enough.