Saturday, March 3, 2007

Friends . . .

"If something is going to happen for you, it will, you can't make it happen. And it never does happen until you're past the point where you care whether it happens or not... I guess it's all for our own good that it always happens that way, because after you stop wanting things is when having them won't make you go crazy. After you stop wanting them is when you can handle having them. Or before. But never during. If you get things when you really want them, you go crazy. Everything becomes distorted when something you really want is sitting in your lap."

-Andy Warhol

Andy Warhol is one of the strangest people I have ever heard of. He mobilized the pop-art movement, got shot, and was extremely vain and image obsessed.

I read a book that he wrote that was essentially just a collection of random thoughts strung together in a quick read, but once I weeded through his babbling of underwear shopping, social superficiality, and make-up application, I found some great quotes and thought provoking ideas.

This quote is one of my favorites from the book.

Anyway, this loosely ties in with my feelings of today.

I worry way to much. By nature I am high-strung, stressed, and obsessed with my relationships with other people. I constantly have to surround myself with groups and social stimulation. I am the kind of person that will take a sound-byte of a conversation and over analyze it to the point of completely distorting the intended meaning.

I feel like a broke that social restraint tonight.

I saw and/or spoke to a lot of great friends tonight, and it made me truely grateful for everyone and everything.

I hungout with Julia today, which is always comforting for me. She, cliche set aside, is my rock and my safeplace. I feel at home and honest when I am with her.

I talked to Corey and Jake today, who I love dearly, although I wish I could see Corey more than once or twice a month. Jake I see often, but then again you can never get enough of Jake, he is a genuine and interesting guy.

I hungout with all of the girls tonight at Lauren's birthday party (part II), and they make me feel honest, unique, and care-free. I love these girls as well.

I spent quality time with The Boys tonight. We went to Applebee's and talked for a few hours, had some good laughs, talks, and memories. The Boys are like brothers to me, once again, I love them.

There are so many other friends who I didn't see tonight that I love just as much too, I just didn't get a chance to see them (Cobey and Angela stick out to me right now).

The relationship between my friends and my anxiety is the change we are all going through. The ebb and flow of social scenes and college related incidents.

But I realized something, no matter what happens or how it happens, no matter who's a punk and who's an indie kid, no matter who is smart and who is "dumb", we are all going to be just fine.

We are all going to be just fine.


Anna said...

What a wonderful post for your friends Kyle.

After that quote, I am reminded that I'm always amazed that the things I yearn for from my friends are ususally already there just waiting for me to embrace them.

Sounds like you have some much treasured friendships and that is such a blessing. Sometimes the differences in relationships are what keep them so intrical to maintain. Hopefully they challenge you to be a better person. And as they change, they get better. I love that part! And to me, I feel like God put these exact people in my life on purpose...

Anyway...nice post. I hope that they all read this or that you tell them what they mean to you...

And you're right...

You are all going to be just fine. :)

Anonymous said...

well that made me feel good. when Kyle says its gonna be fine, i guess it just will be.

Cheshire Kat said...

That is exactly what I needed to hear Kyle, Thanks.
I think I need to put that quote up on my wall...his words are so wise and true.
A quote that stuck out to me was, "Everyone winds up kissing the wrong person goodnight." I think this is true too.
I can relate to what you said. Worry, stress, relationships...this is me too. I hate that I worry, I hate that I am so stressed. I invest so much in every kind of relationship because I want to take care of people, and I want people to be happy to the point that I neglect my own interests. Which is why I have had such horrid dating experiences I guess.

Anonymous said...

Youa re very high strung. way to high strung. you put way mor eon you than you need to. you are an awesome person and need to chillaxxxxxxxxx. you could have called me so we could have chilled! i was gonna be at laurens but i made me parents dinner. you me and ju gotta start chillin again. like the good ole days.