Monday, June 25, 2007

Geriatrics Promo Shoot

Shot promo pictures for the Geriatrics today, they have a new full-length coming out soon so look out for that.

After the shoot, I headed to the city with Ms. Lauren Freeburg. We checked out the new Reckless Records location, went to the museum of contemporary photography, and went to the craziest, most overwhelming camera store on Wabash!

Once I got home I picked up my check from work, then hungout with a bunch of people at Frank's house.


Cheshire Kat said...

I really like the perspective on the rail shots and that close up just below.
Overall, they go together really well, without getting boring.
I'll be sure to look for that album!

Anna said...

Great Kyle...I thought I might be on Evan's blog for a minute! I like the rails shots as well and the ones when you have the perspective of looking up...


Very cool.