Sunday, June 24, 2007

Out-of-towners . . .

Today didn't really start until it was actually over.

I woke up late, laid around the house (watched the cubs sweep the sox), went to work, then finally my day started (close to midnight.)

Lauren, James, Caleb, and I went to Steak and Shake for a late night, "we have nothing to do because it's so late" outing. The actual eating at Steak and Shake was good (especially seeing the manager walking repeatedly in and out of the bathroom with plungers, gloves, and each time getting wetter and wetter), but we finally found that defining moment of the night when we stepped outside:

Immediately as we stepped outside of Steak and Shake we were greeted ( with aggressive salesman-like charm) by two younger men with very strong accents asking for cigarettes. Turns out they were from Virginia and were traveling the U.S. selling magazines for some company. Outside of the obvious and blatant alcohol on their breath (and in their back pocket) they were charmingly ammusing guys. I can't think of any way to describe them besides charming, because in our five minute conversation I was so drawn to what they had to say that I found myself completely invested in this conversation. So we had a pistol-fire conversation (one of the boys spoke as quickly and incoherently as the King of the Hill character, Boomhower), and our conversation would always be momentarily broken by one of the two when any female would get out of her car or leave the restaurant (they regressed to the stereotypical "hey ladies" and "how old are you" kind of pick up lines that never even seem like a good idea in the most desperate of times.) Anyway, these two gentleman where quite the characters and when they offered me a job traveling all over the U.S. with them I momentarily thought it was a good idea.

Luckily, I politely turned them down . . .


Anna said...

OK, Steak and Shake is my first stop when I hit American guys are driving me crazy talking about it. It has been my favorite place to go since I was in high school myself...(no comments on the middle aged housewife thing or I may lose it in you Kyle!)

Sounds like a great time...

Anna said...

Sorry...lose it *on* you...
