Monday, February 19, 2007

Stella Filomena Benjamin!

Woke up in the city.

Took a walk down Michigan for some coffee and a paper then strolled on over to the hospital to catch a glimpse at my new baby cousin, Stella Filomena Benjamin.

Spent most of my day helping out with the baby.

We went to Piece for lunch I saw the Black Top Mourning van, so naturally I called Marty.

Hungout around my uncle's apartment, took a nice walk, then met up with my grandma and Franki for dinner at Club Lucky.

Definately a great closing to a fantastic and unnaturally long weekend!


Corey Bienert said...

These are definitely your best pictures yet, Kyle.

Anna said...

She is beautiful and Corey is right...these are great pics Kyle. I love the bridges and graffiti...maybe it the urban part I like. I am putting a link to your site on my blog...hope that is OK! Later!