Wednesday, February 28, 2007

New Shoes . . .

"To be trusted is a greater compliment than to be loved."
- George MacDonald

I found this quote once when I was having some issues with friendships.

This quote is one of the most life changing collection of words that have ever been introduced to me. To me, this quote is 100% pure and true.

You can not help who you love, love is uncontrollable. Sure, you can work on relationships with those you love, and love can grow stronger, but for the most part love is out of your control.

Trust builds relationships and it maintains, amplifies, and strengthens love. Tust is something that you have to earn and deserve, love is not.

There are people who I love that I do not trust, that is just how it goes.

Like I said before, you can not help who you love, but trust is something that is earned through dedication and honesty.


Jacob Boll said...

boy, those boots/awsome shoes sure look worm. it looks like they were 60% off too. i dont know for sure, im just guessing

Anna said...

This is very true Kyle. Trust is very purposeful.

I hope that you can find trust with these people...friends, family....whoever. Sometimes though, you need to trust without it being earned...and your heart becomes even more full of love because of that chance you took.

That is the best feeling ever...stepping out and giving a piece of yourself regardless of whether someone deserves it....that my friend, is called grace.

We ALL need that.

Anonymous said...

that's so true. you can't choose who you love, but you can choose who to trust. I'm not saying this offensively or anything but you had to find that out from a quote someone else said?

Kyle said...

Sometimes other people put thingsin perspective, and sometimes they just put it better than you can.

By the way, I would really appreciate it if people would sign their names on their comments.

Anna said...

I seriously wouldnt listen to anyone who cant even own their own thought by signing their name! And if a quote moves you and your thought process...use it.

Cheshire Kat said...

This reminds me of a song by Jenny Lewis and the Watson Twins called 'You are What You Love'.
A very good song.

It's true that we cannot help who we love and often we don't understand why we love.

Strage how trust takes time to build but is so easily destroyed.
I have some issues w/ trust and love, I have trusted people who said they loved only to find it a lie. It is hard to learn to trust again after your trust has been betrayed by someone. I realize that it is not fair to those people who are worthy of my trust to deny them of mine because of someone else.

I'm trying, but this wall is built so high.

Anonymous said...

Kyle Geib, I am EXTREMELY impressed and amazed by your photography. You really have ton of talent in many different areas. I'm excited to see what ends up happening with you, and what direction you end up taking. You should feel very blessed.