Thursday, April 19, 2007

Bowling Birthday Party!

Today I worked right after school, which was actually quite enjoyable. I had some friends come and visit (although they did not stay long, haha).

I jetted out the door right when I got off of work because it was April's suprise birthday party at Metro Bowl. I picked up Max and Frank and we got there just in time to miss singing Happy Birthday. It was alright though, because the party was amazing. We had cake, and pizza, we bowled, danced, and had the entire alley to ourselves.

I really do love Metro Bowl, it's beginning to feel like home.


P.S. Sorry the quality of the pictures is so bad. The lighting was far less than adequate so I was forced to set my ISO to 1600.


Anna said...

Bowling is one of my favorite date things to do with my husband. We are still trying to impress eachother with our sweet style and amazing scores! And come is really all about those awesome shoes! :)

I love that pic of the pins and ball....very nice Kyle!

Hope you are well there....

Anonymous said...

i really like the picture with the bowling ball knocking down the pins. its the moment.

Chad Oneil Myers said...

The images are still cool.

I really like the selective color on the bowling ball with pins shot.