Saturday, April 21, 2007

Saw Michael Keaton!

Today I went down to the city with Ethan.

My cousin's grandpa lives right next to this house that they are filming a new Michael Keaton movie at. The movie is called "The Merry Gentleman". Supposedly it is a Christmas themed hitman movie (hahaha). Anyway, we headed over to Don and Marlene's to check out the set. The neighbor who owns the house (Julius), is a frumpy old nintey year-old man who does not believe in the holocaust. Quite an interesting fellow. Outside of the holocaust denial, he was a pretty nice guy. He let us walk through his house and see the sets, cameras, lighting, etc. It is crazy being on a Hollywood set, there are so many miniscule little things that you never see. They have his house covered in black plastic sheets because they like to create their own day-time light, They raised every piece of furniture in the kitchen up by about an inch, and they have beams running across the ceiling to hang equipment from. After we toured the house we just hung around with Don, Marlene, and Bob. They are extremely interesting people. Ethan and I were planning on staying there for an hour, but spent almost three hours there (then went back later).

After experiencing Hollywood, Ethan and I drove down to Wrigley field since there was a Cubs game going on. Wrigley field always has the best atmosphere in baseball season. The morale and sense of community really draws you in. We stopped at Reckless Records, and met a really friendly lady at Walgreens. As we were leaving we drove through DePaul so I could show Ethan where I am dorming at.

From there we went to My Uncle Jim's house that he is building. I had mentioned the house in a previous post. My sister, Gabby, and Jenn were there helping my uncle with some finishing touches before the big opening this Wednesday. We helped them out then went back to Don and Marlene's.

Back at Don and Marlene's we were invited to go to the elementary school where they were feeding the cast and crew of the movie. As we were walking up, Michael Keaton was walking out. We didn't meet him, but it's cool (There are only a few Michael Keaton movies that I really enjoy.) We hung out for a little while longer then went back home.

At home I stopped by Martyna's for a while, but ended up at Angela's for the rest of the night with her and April.


Anna said...

Sounds like a great day Kyle! I love that second pic...chaotic but yet...NOT. Nice shots.

Cheshire Kat said...

What! I was there! My family stayed in the city for the weekend. My sister and I walked around where they were filming, and went past all the security gaurds and trailers, but we had no idea what was going on. Then, they were filming at our hotel later, and there was a helicopter that landed in the street...

I guess I should have checked it out.

Unknown said...

Weird... we share names. This is what happens when I google "Kyle Geib"
